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These next few series of works I will be sharing are still in progress. "Un-weaving of Time and Space", "The Bardo- Dying Breath" and "Journey of the Soul". All of these will have a performance interpretation by Mila Popovick, and sounds by Maxwellvision to create a deeper understanding and absorption of the messages.  Humanity is at a precipice ready to leap . However, too many distractions at every direction for them to see within.  I hope to be around to see the Chaotic Nodes transcend beyond our wildest believes.  When we leap, a completely new and unexpected experience will await our arrival. 

"Unweaving of Time and Space" was my most recent art exhibit. Based on a dream back in 2014. It took 5 years to finally complete the first phase. It is a map (made up of 16 30 x 30 canvas panels) to journey back home. A key is given within the piece for those that choose to journey within its pathways. This piece is to be experienced firstly, one way then turned upsidedown and experienced the other way.  I give very brief explanations, those that are on the path will understand. The exhibit was introduced opening night with an interpretation performance by art performer Mila Popovic, Joshua Stout and Hanna Metzger, improv music by Maxwellvision. It was displayed one way for a month and the next month displayed upside down. Though technicaly there is no upside down.

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